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[ACC PS3] PlayStation Eye

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MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Avr 2007 15:45    Sujet du message: [ACC PS3] PlayStation Eye Répondre en citant

PlayStation Eye

La caméra pour la consolde PS3 est finalisée, et la vente est programmée pour cet été en Europe.
Encore aucun tarif d'annoncé.


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Inscrit le: 20 Jan 2003
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MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Avr 2007 16:12    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

et là je me dis..c'est bien con de ne pas avoir ajouter de port USB sur la face arrière de la console...enfin....plutot de les avoir retirer Confused
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Inscrit le: 24 Juil 2003
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MessagePosté le: Sam 28 Avr 2007 00:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

PLAYSTATION®Eye Camera Brings Next-generation Communication to PLAYSTATION®3

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) have announced the arrival of the next-generation PLAYSTATION®Eye camera.

Scheduled for a Summer release in Europe, PLAYSTATION Eye is an essential accessory for voice, video chat and online gaming that will enable gamers to enjoy their PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3?) experiences like never before.

Designed specifically for PS3 and featuring huge advances in USB camera and microphone technology, PLAYSTATION Eye is set to revolutionise the experience of online communication on the PLAYSTATION®Network. Expanding on the market-leading heritage of the EyeToy® USB Camera for PlayStation®2, the sophistication of the PLAYSTATION Eye naturally complements the advanced features and capabilities of PS3 - all in one slickly designed, unobtrusive unit.

Designed specifically to work with the next generation of social gaming titles and new services being developed for PS3, key features of the PLAYSTATION Eye include:

? A sophisticated microphone with the ability to reduce background noise and focus on the spoken word for smoother, more accurate speech recognition and transfer
? The ability to capture videos and audio clips directly to your PS3's hard disk drive
? Engineered to perform well even in low-light conditions
? A range of different capturing modes, including slow motion and time-lapse
? Faster frame rate for improved tracking, responsiveness and smoothness
? Two position zoom lens for close-up and full body options
? A range of eye-catching visual effects to apply to photos and videos
? Bundled with EyeCreate? editing software, which allows users to save and edit photos, video and audio clips

David Reeves, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe said, "PLAYSTATION Eye is a great example of how we have moved forward so significantly with our technology. PLAYSTATION Eye has four times the resolution, twice the framerate and double the sensitivity of its predecessor EyeToy USB Camera. With the technology that we now have at our disposal we will be able to dramatically improve the communications experience enjoyed on PS3".

EyeCreate software
EyeCreate editing software, bundled free with PLAYSTATION Eye allows you to save photos, video and audio clips to your PS3 hard disk drive and apply eye-catching visual effects to your images. Different capture modes like time-lapse and slow motion open up a world of possibilities to be explored further in EyeCreate's editing suite, where you can turn your media into professional looking movies.

New microphone functions
An all-new four microphone array, incorporating multidirectional voice location tracking, enhanced echo cancelling and background noise suppression allows for clear audio chat in even the most noisy of environments, without the need to hold or wear a headset.

Next-generation camera features
A frame rate of up to 120 frames per second allows for super-smooth video and sophisticated low-light operation means that the room doesn't have to be brightly lit for the camera to deliver crisp, perfectly exposed video. The adjustable zoom lens features a 56º field of view to capture head and shoulders action for close-in audio-visual chat, and a 75º field of view to capture the whole body for a fully physical gaming experience.

Technical Specifications:
? 4 channel audio input:16 bits/channel, 48kHz, SNR 90db
? 56º to 75º Field of View zoom lens
? 2.1 F-stop, 1% distortion, fixed focus (25cm to 8 at 75º FOV)
? 640 x 480 at 60 frames/second
? 320 x 240 at 120 frames/second
? USB2 high-speed data transfer
? Uncompressed video or optional JPEG compression


VW60, TXP46VT20E, RXV3800, BDP-S550, PS4Pro, XE1, 360 250g, Nevo SL
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